Hi, I'll be your guide through entrepreneurship

Carrie Murray is a speaker, podcast host, and the Founder of BRA (Business Relationship Alliance), a network of powerful female entrepreneurs devoted to advancing women-owned businesses by providing the community, collaboration, empowerment, and support needed to flourish as an entrepreneur.

Hello, I’m Carrie and I’m glad you’re here,
Learn more about me here!

Carrie earned her Bachelor’s in Social Work and her Master’s in Social Justice Education. After becoming a court advocate, she helped victims understand their rights and navigate the judicial system.


Being a teacher is not what I do but who I am! Iam passionate about developing life long learners.


My time as a public school administrator taught me the value of time and efficiency. These are essential pieces for any organization’s success. Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is specifically your own.


It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Leadership must first and foremost meet the needs of others and to cultivate leadership in others. We are stronger as a collective rather than as an indivdual.

My journey began with the dream to service others in achieving their own dreams.

Carrie founded BRA Network at her dinner table surrounded by four friends who all felt frustrated and isolated from being a “solopreneurs”.

So Carrie sought to change the landscape for female entrepreneurs. As women outside her immediate circle asked to join, BRA was born.

Get Carried Away.

Carrie also hosts the podcast, CARRIED AWAY, where she gives female entrepreneurs a platform each week to offer important insight and information to help all women in business. It is currently available on iTunes and other digital platforms.

Carrie works zealously to advance the rights of all women everywhere and has worked with numerous nonprofits to that end.

I gather women for the transformation not the transaction.

Carrie has been and continues to be a featured speaker at multiple conferences and events such as The Rising Tide Society, She Angels Foundation, Curated Conversations, and The Women’s Empowerment Expo, and in 2022 launched her own financial summit, the Wealthy Women Summit, offering women the education and tools they need to achieve the holistically wealthy lifestyle they’ve dreamed of.

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